• Permaculture, Strategy, Aikido and the attractive force

    (Inrokyo no Tenren)

    In order to understand it we can take the term Permaculture as a noun and a verb, as the end result and as the process. It is important not to confuse the two so I will use the term a Permaculture to refer to the end result and Permaculture Design to refer to the process.

    They are both remarkably easy to describe

    A Permaculture has:-

    Everything connected to everything else

    Every element serving more than one function

    Every important function supported by more than one other element.


    The Permaculture Design will:-

    Connect everything together

    Ensure every element serves more than one function

    Ensure that every important function is supported by more than one other element.


    Nothing complicated or difficult there, the process of designing involves as few or as many

    methodologies of design and techniques as are strictly necessary and these are nicely and clearly laid

    out in the main Permaculture books.

    Yet we become confused and have a tendancy to mistake the simplicity for a sort of concealed

    complicatedness, perhaps nervous at the idea that the problems and conditions that we see around us

    everyday and in which we live could so easily be sorted out.

    One reason for this is that we confuse the ’10,000 techniques’ one or many of which we will use in

    our design, for the design process itself. I read an article recently where it was stated categorically that

    Permaculture design was using 40 cm of straw as a layer of mulch, we can see that this is a technique

    and it must be said one that is often inappropriatley applied. At other times I have read that a Forest

    Garden is a Permaculture, we can see that it is actually gardening strategy and one that is often mis-

    designed. On a recent course at L’Academie Bretonne de Permaculture Phil Corbett pointed out

    succinctly that people often confuse plant height with shade tolerance, Robert Hart himself mentioned

    that in cool-temperate areas a forest garden should dip in the middle to give light to the centre.


    I mention the above to add weight to the notion that Permaculture Designs are done by Permaculture

    Designers. These being people have gone on from basic courses to gain years of experience and

    observational, hands on knowledge. Landscapes, people and situations are too varied for this to be any

    other way. A good Permaculture Designer will be thoroughly steeped in the ’10,000 techniques’ and

    will have a profound understanding of the art of strategy and the way of design, will be, to quote

    Tomi O’Tani sensei,


    “A Jack of all trades and a Master of one”


    It is also clarity at all times which is needed and it is long experience which will allow this. A

    Designer may have a favourite technique (mulch?) and a preferred strategy (Coppice-orchard?) back

    at home but it would be unfortunate to carry these around and apply them carte blanche as has

    happened in the past with mandala gardens, herb spirals and more recently forest gardens. A Designer

    may hate working indoors in an office but there are many who enjoy this and hate working outside

    getting wet and dirty.


    In Alexander Technique we find the useful notion of ‘end-gaining’, this is our attempts to achieve

    good ‘posture’ by sitting in or standing in what we think is a good posture., trying to get to the ‘end’

    without going through the process of re-teaching the body/mind good habits. This is often true of our

    approaches to the creation of Permaculture’s and why it is fortunate that we have our few and reliable

    golden rules. Their strict application will allow a Permaculture to unfold as the design is implemented

    and matures, this latter implemenation will be accompanied with changes and learnings on the part of

    the participants which will enable a good ‘fit’ between human inhabitants and their Design. Liken this

    to a tadpole who shares 100% of its D.N.A. with the frog it will become yet the lifestyles of the two

    are radically different, the one would at best be unhappy trying to live the lifestyle of the other.




    We can in some ways see a Permaculture Design as a time and space dancing mosaic of techniques

    and strategies. To elucidate this let us consider the Coppice-Orchard pioneered by Phil Corbett of

    Nottingham (www.cooltemperate.co.uk). This is a mix of vegetable beds, own-root fruit trees and

    nitrogen fixers, periodically a North-south row of trees will be coppiced giving light to the N-s

    vegetable beds they are growing in, the fertility of these beds is then exploited for crop production

    until shaded again by the regrowth of the fruit trees. Over the subsequent 8-10-12 years of the coppice

    rotation the shaded vegetable beds with their shade tolerant cover of plants will regain fertlity ready

    for the next coppicing. So we get cereals, vegetables/salads, top and bottom fruit, firewood and

    carving wood, nuts, honey, fungi, fertlity rebuilt and fruit trees which tend to stay in a young phase

    and will long outlive their grafted and non-coppiced cousins.


    What I have just described is a small part of the big strategy of the coppice-orchard, within it we have

    mosaics of techniques and their strategies. Composting is a technique, the way it is to be done is the

    strategy, how this connects to everything else is design. Here with our small coppice-orchard we

    intend to compost through anaeobic decompositon in a bio-gas plant which will give us compost for

    the gardens and gas for the cooker and fridge in the house (and perhaps sufficient for the odd trip in

    the car). Another composting strategy might be to use the Jean-Pain system or even a windrow.


    We can use the art of strategy to examine plants themselves, what is it that a particular plant does

    during its life, what is its shape, what niches has it come to occupy in terms of height, leaf shape,

    flower, seed, transport? When we fully understand the plants life strategy we will be able to fit it

    correctly into our bigger strategies of gardening, food use and its storage. This same approach holds

    true when we consider buildings, what strategies were used to allow the building to breathe, to hold

    heat, to be lit. Here we have a 200 year old stone building with walls 1 metre thick, this latter enables

    walls to be built without the use of cements which act as glues, mud is used as a filler and leveller but

    doesn’t hold the walls together. The finished walls were rendered inside and out with a mix of muddy

    clay and lime.This meant that buildings could be made with mainly local materials, indeed the stones

    come from the fields, could be easily repaired and extended. In terms of modern understandings we

    have a high thermal mass house which holds its heat in the walls but tends to only have small openings

    so is relatively poorly lit inside.


    A lack of understanding of the original builders strategy and the nature of stone means that many of

    these buildings have had their thermal mass destroyed by, more recently, insulating and plaster

    boarding the inside of the walls and previously by using a thick cement render. Most are also pointed

    on the outside or even fully rendered with cement, one now has a low thermal mass house inside the

    shell of a high thermal mass building with walls that can no longer transfer moisture away by capillary

    action as the cement blocks this effect, where cement render has been used inside we have walls which

    are more than 3 C cooler than the ambient air so we have a feeling of cold. An understanding of the

    original builders strategy means that we render with clay and lime or lime and sand, keeping the

    thermal mass and allowing the walls to ‘breathe’.


    We can use an understanding of the art of strategy to shine a bright light into the dark corners of

    practices and behaviours to illuminate and help us find a correct path through the myriad techniques




    Aikido and the Attactive force.


    I am here referring to the teaching lineage of Morehei Ueshiba ( the founder of Aikido ) to Hickitsuchi

    Michio (10th Dan and student and close companion of Ueshiba for over 45 years) to Gérard Blaize (7th

    Dan and student of Hickitsuchi Michio). It is thanks to the translations, interpretations and proficiency

    in Aikido of Gérard Blaise that we in the West have been given access to the real understandings and

    Way of Ueshiba.


    “ A human being must achieve a harmony of three elements : the spirit of the heart (kokoro), the body

    itself and the Ki which unites them.

    There are three studies :

    -training to achieve a harmony between the spirit of the heart and the activity of the universe;

    -training to achieve a harmony between the body and the Universe;

    -training to harmonise the ki, which unites the spirit of the heart, the body and the activity of the


    (Aikido magazine, no 18, 1985, p.14.)


    We can understand “the activity of the Universe” as being the activity of creation through cycles,

    actions and activities which are destructive go against this general principle. Ueshiba realised that the

    human world was one big family and that the notion of strangers was false, he also saw that the

    Aikido he created was not an end in itself but would enable practitioners to find their role in the world

    and to act creatively and correctly.


    It is interesting that many true Ways have very few rules, in Aikido we have three. The term partner is

    used as the world is a big family there can be no enemies or attackers.


    n Never look into your partners eyes, if we do our spirit can be taken by the forces that motivate

    them, can be troubled by the anger or fear that moves them.

    n Always be ahead of your partner, if we wish to help someone so that their destructive impulses

    don’t hurt them or let them go against the creative flow of the universe and come to harm we must

    act first with firm gentleness.

    n Never have any openings, as we act we seek to harmonise our ki with that of the partner, if our

    movment is not true our ki ceases to flow in an area of the body leaving an opening which the

    destructive impulses of my partner could exploit.


    In terms of Permaculture design we can directly adopt these rules in not only our activities in

    Peoplecare but also in the way we perceive designs and their evolution. With regard to the first rule,

    how many of us have gazed despondantly at a problem trying to find a solution, a light at the end of

    the tunnel? In Permaculture Design it is said that ‘the problem is the solution’, by training in Aikido

    and following the first rule we can come to realise the truth of this and acting boldly step to oneside

    and see the solution, as training continues eventually both terms will fade away to be replaced with a

    deeper understanding.


    The second rule is well known to good gardeners, we are part of, partners with the natural world and

    must act accordingly, there is timing in everything and overlaying an artificial timescale onto the

    world is perhaps an unproductive approach. Being in the swim of things enables us to perceive the tiny

    fluctuations that means movements are changing. Studying this rule in Aikido means we come to

    understand that movment is continuous, Nature doesn’t stop and start, things flow from season to

    season, gardening shouldn’t stop and start either, rythms and tempo change. Our personal lives don’t

    have stops and starts, there has obviuosly been a flow which brings us to a point where a change

    happens, what brings someone to do a Permaculture course? It is very important for us to understand

    this, we don’t keep getting in and out of a swimming pool we are continuously more or less immersed

    in the flow of a river.


    The third rule and its study has profound implications in Permaculture Design. On a personal level if I

    am moving, perhaps to do work, in a way that stops energy flowing in a particular area I will

    eventually damage that part of my body: in terms of Design an opening is an opportunity to increase

    productivity and if left unfilled will be filled by something that may be unproductive and cause us

    work. A study of Fukuoka’s work from this viewpoint can prove fruitful. An opening can lead to

    energy flowing away from our site, perhaps as pollution or just as the loss of a potential resource.


    Inrokyo no Tenren, the attractive force.


    In Aikido one studies to move correctly, with a timing that comes from the continuous flow, to lose all

    fear, nervousness and trepidation, to be completely and continually relaxed. As these come to fruition

    one can discover that the ability to lead others, gently and firmly, away from destructive action

    becomes easier and easier, the partner finds themslves swept up and held by what is referred to as ‘the

    attractive force’, we have all experienced something of this, in Aikido we can train to develop it.


    As a general principle the concept of an attractive force can fundamentally transform our approach to

    the world and how designs and change can be implemented. Too often we try and push things in the

    direction that we think we want them to go, surely it would be easier to create the conditions that will

    allow that which we want to form itself. We see, after all, ecological succession in natural systems,

    perhaps gorse and broom giving way to birch then oak etc. each changing the conditions of the soils,

    air and water and making the area more attractive for other species. It is easier to set up magnets than

    to try and bulldoze things our way. This approach enables us to find a low input way of achieving

    designs, it will perhaps generally take more time, but this is not a difficulty as too many mistakes get

    made in haste and too much damage gets done by pushing and forcing. In a Permaculture Design then

    much of it will be there to create the conditions that will allow ecosystems to form, that will allow the

    complexity of interactions and connections to develop.

    I have tried to show something of the nature of Permacultures and Permaculture Design and to present

    ways in which given sincerity and commitment we can help ourselves develop as Designers, I am

    convinced of these and also that there are no doubt others of equal validity. I hope that what I have

    written doesn’t seem to be too unpragmatic, those who know me will, I hope, attest to my pragmatic

    and practical approach as to my general skeptiscm until things are proven by time and experience.

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